Sprix introduces educational solution 5.0

By ADMIN TP 2023-07-03 11:48:11 1 lượt xem

The Group opened a workshop to build a network of strategic partners in Vietnam for the period of 2023-2026. Here, experts from Japan and Sprix representatives in Vietnam presented the content and plan to deploy advanced educational technology solutions 5.0, integrating artificial intelligence (AI) in Vietnam for students. Primary and secondary school students with more than 50 representatives of schools, extracurricular teaching centers.

Ban lãnh đạo Sprix Việt Nam cùng đại diện các trường tiểu học, trung học và trung tâm giảng dạy ngoại khóa. Ảnh: Sprix Việt Nam

Sprix Vietnam leadership and representatives of primary schools, secondary schools and extracurricular teaching centers. Photo: Sprix Vietnam

The first solution that experts introduced was Math AI DOJO - a math learning program with AI technology developed by Sprix with a large school system and exam preparation school, listed on the stock exchange in Japan.

Currently, DOJO has been used by many users from the US, the Netherlands, Egypt, Canada, the Philippines... and has more than 1,000 classes successfully deployed in Japan. The program can complement the classroom curriculum, helping students improve the efficiency of knowledge acquisition with the help of an artificial intelligence "teacher".

The second solution - the TOFAS system is a global test that assesses fundamental academic skills, thereby providing educators with important insights when addressing each student's learning needs. born. According to Sprix representative, TOFAS has been recognized as a toolkit to evaluate design capacity according to international standards.

Ông Reo Shoji - Giám đốc phát triển toàn cầu Tập đoàn Sprix chia sẻ tại Hội thảo phát triển đối tác. Ảnh: Sprix Việt Nam

Mr. Reo Shoji - Sprix Group's Global Development Manager shared at the Partner Development Workshop. Photo: Sprix Vietnam

Mr. Reo Shoji - Sprix Group's global development director said that the unit approaches education by creating a oriented environment and personalizing the learning path and pace for students. "Our technology-powered student-centered approach is well-suited to the needs of the market, especially post-pandemic," he asserts.

Ms. Jenny Thao Le - Managing Director of Sprix in Vietnam also shared, Sprix came to Vietnam due to similarities in the two countries' educational approaches.

First of all, Vietnamese and Japanese parents have very high demands on their children, especially in the fields of math and science. In both countries, after-school tutoring is common and is expected to guarantee a good future. In addition, traditionally, both countries place great importance on basic academics and mastery of skills.

"We want to focus on core competencies, including: basic and foundational learning skills, thereby helping Vietnamese students develop a solid and methodical academic path," she added.

Các nhà quản lý giáo dục trải nghiệm giáo dục lồng ghép với công nghệ AI. Ảnh: Sprix

Education administrators experience integrated education with AI technology. Photo: Sprix

At the end of the event, Sprix Group committed to invest in these products to reach Vietnamese users quickly and at the lowest cost. At the same time, the unit will sponsor scholarships with a total value of up to 100 million VND this year.

Sprix Corporation is the owner of the Dojo AI Math product and the TOFAS Global Assessment Program, based in Japan. The unit aims to implement new educational methods, combining the power of people and educational technology.